The Hall surname can be found in many regions of Scotland and England and the origins of this surname are as varied as the locations it is found. One source identifies it as a person who worked in or managed a manor house or "hall". Another source is that an Arthur Fitz William changed his name to Hall so that he would be distinguished separately from his brother. Regardless of the earliest acquisition of the Hall surname men and women who bore that name played a part in Anglo Scottish history.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals of education to contempoary society about Scottish/Scottish American heritage and traditions and to extend assistance to those whose historical research perpetuates the history of Scotland, Scots in America, and/or the historical contributions of those of Hall ancestry.
The Family Tree DNA project has been connecting people with their genetic ancestry and uniting people by matching genetic DNA markers. The Hall Group is managed by David J. Hall of England. For more information contact David - email:
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