The Clan Hall Society was founded in 1993 by Atlas D. Hall, FSA Scot, with 23 charter members. As an avid historian, Atlas' research revealed that there were Halls located near the highlands west of Aberdeen and were considered a sept of Clan Skene. However, his research also revealed and verified that the Hall surname was common to the central region, or Middle Marches, of the Scottish and English border and that they are listed as one of the 60 major riding families of the borders. These families were the "Border Reivers". From this information he concluded the border Halls should be represented and thus Clan Hall Society was born.
There are some who do not consider the border Halls as a Clan because the do not have a Clan Chieftain or Headman. This is true, but they referred to themselves as a clan because others referred to them as a clan. And though they never ascribed as to having a Chieftain or Headman the border Halls are listed with the major riding families at a Border Reiver memorial near the Tullie House Museum in Carlisle, England.
At the 2015 AGBM Clan Hall Society modified and adopted a new Coat of Arms and Clan Crest along with a new motto. The previous versions were generic and the CHS leadership felt it was time that Clan Hall Society had a Coat of Arms and Crest that was unique to our society. Because the Border Halls were located in both Scotland and England we wanted the Coat of Arms to represent both sides of the border. The Stork, Scotland and the Hound, English. A new motto was also adopted at this time as well.
The motto is "Per Ardua Ad Alta" - "Through Difficulties to Heaven"
In 2016 a new Talbot head was designed for Clan Hall Society's Crest and Coat of Arms. Through the artistic work of then Executive Vice President and newsletter editor David H. Hall, and with the assistance of President John Hall, a Talbot head, that is unique to Clan Hall Society was created and is now proudly displayed on our Crest and Coat of Arms. On August 8, 2017 the US Copyright Office granted Clan Hall Society the copyright ownership to our Crest, Coat of Arms, Seal/Stamp, and Talbot Head.